Mayo Clinic Musings

Starting around 2010, I developed some health issues. I was travelling for work with IBM at the time and noticed random rashes that would come and go, but also consistent stomach pains. It got to the point where I would feel queasy eating or drinking anything – even water! I changed my diet to try to cleanse my body, but nothing seemed to be working. I went to regular doctors, naturopaths, and even the Mayo Clinic, but found no answers. This went on for years.

Spoiler alert, I did eventually get better:

But along the way, I did have some adventures with trying to get answers.

On my trip to Rochester, MN to visit the Mayo Clinic, which sadly lacked Mayonnaise, I was able to visit a few friends!

First stop: Chicago.
I visited some friends and celebrated a Corgi birthday

Then, after the first day of tests at the clinic, I went to a county fair nearby, and happened to meet up with a friend of min traveling through the state!

Then, I had some fun looking around the area while I was there

And on the way back, I got to visit my high school best friend and his fam-bam!

Geotag: 44.0113231,-92.4759839
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