Thanksgiving Meal saved by Kroger

A community center Thanksgiving meal was mostly prepared and ready to go, except for one missing ingredient – cranberry sauce.

Check out the recap video

This year’s Thanksgiving meal at the Anna Louise Inn shelter led and sponsored by Crossroads Church had a nice spread of food: turkey, gravy, rolls, stuffing, mashed potato, pumpkin pie, green beans, and soft drinks. But the cranberry sauce, an essential part of the traditional American Thanksgiving meal, was missing.

Thus, a small crew of volunteers (siblings Coleen Ann and Vernon Guintu) led by Canadian Jeff Bertrand headed to the local Cincinnati Kroger (across from the University of Cincinnati) to get as many cans of cranberry sauce (along with a can opener) as they could.

Jeff decided to ask the manager, Ethan, who had just been berated by an upset customer who seemed to be having a bad day in general, if Kroger might consider donating some of the cans of cranberry sauce to the cause of this community meal. Without hesitation Ethan agreed to the notion of donating and went upstairs to retrieve two full cases of canned cranberry sauce and handed them to the (now eager) Jeff and crew. On the drive back to the building the meal was being served in, most of the cans started to be opened for quick serving upon arrival.

As the volunteers ran back towards the building, one could almost hear the movie soundtrack inspirational music playing, while a line of hungry people cheered on the cranberry cause.

So, a big thank you to Ethan at Kroger for saving the day!